Sunday, October 12, 2008

Also, What the FRAK is happening to The History Channel?

Ok. So I've finished watching my two Episodes of BSG Series One ("Colonial Day" and "Kobol's Last Gleaming") yestereve and left the TV on to flip aimlessly around the channels, as is my wont.
History Channel! Modern Marvels! One full hour (well, minus the many commercial breaks- and didn't it used to be that you paid for cable so you wouldn't HAVE commercials?) of the history and myriad uses of LEAD. Our Friendly Neurotoxin! Killer of the Roman Empire (unless you believe all the empirical data to the contrary, that is.. and I DO!) and the thing that puts the OW in Hot Lead...
So I'm on an info high from watching a program on LEAD (and how it is mined, refined, and made into stuff).
The program immediately following it is....
Countdown to Armageddon. A 2004 History Channel documentary film that reviews the history of apocalyptic literature Armageddon.

Not "The Freaky Ways to Mis-Interpret A Coded Message To His Contemporaries Channel," not even "The Completely Out of Context Channel," the Frakin' History Channel.

Pardon my rant, but I have to deal with enough of this Tim LaHaye crud at work; I'd like to be able to watch television without being subjected to the Christian equivalent of reading chicken entrails for portents of the future.
So we turned the channel and watched the LSU at Florida game instead. Much more fun.

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