Monday, September 10, 2012


Well, the List of my Imaginary Sooper Seekrit Fiances got shorter by one.
Stop Getting Married, Imaginary Sooper Seekrit Fiances.
Stop being in committed partnerships with an awesome person, stop having beautiful children with your hot Mexican SuperModel Girlfriends, stop getting married to your amazing, intelligent, beautiful film costars in South Carolina, and by all that is holy would you knock off having real lives that don't jibe with my rich and fulfilling fantasy life?
Because, you know, now I'm going to have to pick out a new ISSF, and that's a drag. They don't fall from the sky, fully formed into the Perfect Man, you know. Jeez. You gotta watch a LOT of movies and TV and listen to a LOT of Show Soundtracks before you can add Him to the.... OOOH who's that guy in Hell On Wheels?!?!
I'll tell you who he is.
He's on the List, that's who he is.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A rollicking good time was had by most!

So, last night was the Inaugural Meeting of The Bloggess' "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" Book Club. It started out on Goodreads, moved to Twitter, then some sort of chat room with noise and music, then back to Goodreads, where kindly people mentioned following each others' blogs. I dropped this one;s addy, then realized I HAVEN'T POSTED in like, forever. So. We'll try this again, shall we?