Saturday, August 14, 2004

Olympic Opening Ceremony?
Very cool. I was in love with all the living art through history and the DNA laser helix. It was a WOW moment. (Take a gander at the official website's photo gallery.)

But Bob and Katie needed to SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!
They talked over all of Bjork's song and made some really impolite "off the cuff" comments about other countries during the Parade of Participants. And they were wrong about some of the opening representations. ARGH!

I was ready to scream at the television. I just kept biting my tongue through every horrible moment of commentary.

Anyway. Yay, Hellas!


Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Hey, kittens-

FX's Rescue Me rocks. It is a harsh, non-sanitized look at the NYFD that makes a viewer realize how much horror these guys see beyond the memories of 9/11. They have to deal with an environment that does not take kindly to expressions of grief and sorrow.

Denis Leary is the force of nature behind this project. If anyone is interested in the circumstances that may have created his feelings, take a look at this FEMA document about the Worcester Cold Storage Fire of 1999. It was a horrible tragedy that should have been avoidable.

On to better and happier news. Peter Davison is going to be at Dragon*Con. OH. Did I mention that earlier? Hmmmmmm.

It looks like the DragonLady herself, Anne McCafrey, will be at Dragon*Con. All hail the WeyrFolk! I hope Lisa B gets to go again- she is such a cool person.

Dreamed about Penn Jillette last night--- a very jumbled group of images including Penn pulling fast ones on a group of people in the Quarter. And driving around in a tiny car looking for a gas station. I dunno. Buy his book.

Watch Rescue Me, buy Sock, go to D*Con and tell Campion how cool he is.