Tuesday, May 15, 2007

he caught me looking then but soon his eyes forgot me

The album all the "true" fans love to hate is my only expose' to Moyet... Actually, I don't even own the whole album, I own a four-song single from My Radio Days at The Demon...

But the lyrics catch me by the gut and sometimes hurt and sometimes sting; they always catch me.

"What's so bad about being drunk?"
"Ask a glass of water..."

More-ose. Less-ose. Medium-ose. I think I'm medium-ose lately. I keep wondering where all the people I knew have gone- married/children/work.

Nice to have tagged a few at thatspace- faint pings of identification ... like a butterfly collection or pressed flower book; they can't abandon me, I've got them pinned down f'rever.