Saturday, June 25, 2005

Emily's getting married! Hooray!

A wedding tonight! A reception at a local prettyplace! An excuse to wear a nice dress and heels AND makeup! Whee!

This will be the third wedding I've ever attended- and the second this week. Number One was when I was 5 or 6 and took place in Dallas, Texas. It will be lovely, I'm certain. I am pleased for Emily- and am flattered to be an attendee.

Things I've been reading lately:
Approaching Storm
Shatterpoint- THE BEST DAMN SWU book I have ever read (save RotS, really). Any Mace appreciator needs to read this.
Jedi Trial
Labyrinth of Evil
Revenge of The Sith
Cloud of Sparrows
Girl in a Cage
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games: The People, the Addiction and the Playing Experience
Wolves of Willoughby Chase
Freedom's Landing
Ella Enchanted
The European Dream
Tuxedo Park
Gregor the Overlander, Gregor & the Prophecy of Bane
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff
and lots more.
I think I'll eventually put up my spreadsheet on my website.

Taping Into the West on TNT and catching up with this seasons' CSI. I'm worried about Nicky- poor buried baby. Don't spoil meany more! I wanna be horrified!
Also waiting eagerly for the 2nd season of Battlestar Galactica in June.

And, oh, yeah...trying to get a job. *sigh* Nobody wants to hire me! What am I doing wrong?