Monday, February 21, 2005

CSI 2x23 "The Hunger Artist"

Well, Freak me out. All this time, I thought I was just insane. Turns out, I have a mild form of BDD in addition to my GAD. I'm just a bowl of Alphabet Illness.
Wonder how to break this to my Psych.
"Hey, Dr. S- wanna see what I did to my arms and knees last night?" "Watch what I do to my face ever moment I can..."
The squick wasn't due to the gross-factor, but a fearful writhe of recognition.
"and the pick-pick..."
The curl of pleasure at the back of my brain when I pull the hair out, pull the with tweezers; it's pleasure, not pain, people.
"Stop picking!"

Jaclyn's got a blog, so she says, but I cain't find it. HotaruGFC, where y'at? The days roll on, and where's our "Once-A-Month" get-together?

Driving. (remember last episode?) Professional Evaluation: I can get my license any day now. Hot Smack. Think I'll do the Dance of Joy (patent pending). Let you know when I get it. I have to get it soon.
At least pre-March 11.


Ted Raimi is on CSI:NY on Wednesday. WatchWatch.