Saturday, November 26, 2005

Burns With a Blue Flame

So guess who had CO poisoning lately?

That would be me.

The headaches weren't stress after all.


After Katrina hit around here, I got a pretty good job as an Admin Assistant with Ryder Logistics. They're helping Home Despot set up a warehouse in the old WalMart building.
As the need for appliances increased, more forklifts were added to the roster. The headaches began a little before Halloween, and I put it down to increased workload and stress. Every day I'd get headaches at work, but after a few hours at homeand a good dinner, they'd go away.

But then things got worse. I thought I had the flu- but no fever.
We thought I had a bacterial infection; but the symptoms didn't go away even after large doses of Cipro.
My Dr. and I half jokingly came to the Carbon Monoxide idea at about the same moment... but it was enough of a possibility to warrant her concern and a Blood-Gas draw. OW. OW. OW. It was NOT pleasant. They have to take it out of an artery.
Anyway, less than two hours later, Dr. B. calls me at work with the news. CO Poisoning.
Not enough to hyperbaric chamber me or even put me in the Hospital, but enough that it was making me sick.
So I can't work there anymore, since the people in charge at work really don't want to do anything that would cost money (i.e. fixing the AC system, putting in CO Monitoring devices, etc.) and even give me the impression that I may have gotten it somewhere other than the place I spend nine hours a day surrounded by CO emitting forklifts with sub-standard ventilation because it's really not meant to be a warehouse but a retail store.
So now I'm working a temp job in a medical records office; filing, shelving, doing little jobs for the people who work there so their jobs can get done faster. It's slow sometimes- sometimes it reminds me of being a Page at the STPL... but it's a job and a paycheck and I'm not around a lot of Carbon Monoxide.

And now for something Completely Different.
An egg with two yolks.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Pulling up stakes from Camp Ryder.

This would be Dave. Dave bought chocolate for me. Smart Man.

Well, the last of the Guys From Columbus have hit the trail, leaving the rest of us to try to match their work ethic and drive.

And the Gentleman on the Left is Steve. And the Gentleman on the Right is Don. They rock, yo.
It's been an interesting month-ish. They came in and saw Slidell at its worst; they lived in RV's (Camp Ryder) and tried to help us set up the warehouse and show us how it could be run. Their practice (and patience with me!) has made me believe that I can do this strange job; live in this new work world.

The dust remains but someday Slidell will be green again. Someday knowing what's open and who's in business will be offhand remarks for me again.

Camp Ryder! What! Fresh for 'o5!

Come back sometime, guys. See us when we're.... a bit more presentable, okay? Like, say, 2007?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Someone's going to unemployment, someone's going to work...

Another week goes by with Life After Katrina.

I heard an anecdote where someone from California says, "We're tired of Katrina."

Hell, try living with it day after messy day. We're tired of it, too.
We're tired of dead grass and dead trees and dead animals that crawled out of the polluted rivers and marshlands to die on the roads.

I'm tired of the dust and the dirt and lack of GREEN anywhere; tired of the traffic and the noise from the interstate- the trees that fell and crushed some of my neighbor's homes used to block a lot of noise from I-10.

I'm tired of having to rack my brains every time an out-of-towner asks we have store X around here and I have to begin every reply with "Well, we did..."

You know what, California?
We got tired of hearing about your rolling blackouts and the earthquakes and fires. We just were too polite to rub your noses in it. Our Mamas raised us better than to be rude to people who have suffered a natural calamity.

Tired of Katrina. Jeez.
Who isn't?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Eye Of The Storm

Personal Updates from Gulfport/Biloxi/Pass Christian region from Mike Keller and Josh Norman. Excerpts from Sun-Herald newspaper for which the two work. Excellent view of living with Katrina aftermath and cleanup.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Birding Babylon

Birding Babylon is almost exactly what it says: A Blog about finding and identifying fauna in Iraq- mostly from people who are assigned/stationed there.

NPR did a piece about it last year, and I've just now discovered and listened to the audio piece.

Spread the word and blog the birds.

Good idea- fascinating blog and I hope you all take a gander (Ha!) at this.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Oooooooooooooh, this makes me SO MAD!

Erynn's Live Journal alerted me to this story; it breaks my heart.
You know, there's a reality series this fall about Camps to which parents send their children to "straighten up and fly right." What if the child is acting out for serious reasons? What if it's the PARENT who is causing the situation? ("My child wants to be a Goth but I'm a Fundamentalist! Fix her!" "My child wants to explore Shintoism--- He's Goin' to Hey-ull!")


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hey- I'd like some cheese with ... me!

You are a fun and light-hearted penguin who believes in true love. You may be black and white on the outside, but under those feathers beats a heart of gold. Good times and good friends are never far away, which is why the Little Penguin Chardonnay is your social beverage of choice.
Kudos on your journey of seabird self-discovery. Now that you've come to appreciate your true inner penguin,
forward this test on to your friends. Then get the whole colony together with a few bottles of the Little Penguin wines and explore your penguin compatibility. You might discover a whole new meaning to the term "wine pairing".

Monday, July 18, 2005

Happy Birthday to VIN!

Happy Birthday to Vin!
Happy Birthday to VIN!
I'm not afraid of the daaaaark
as long as the crash survivors of the Hunter-Grazner include HIM!

I guess I'm not invited to the Birthday Bash... too bad. I bring my own D20.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sighs of relief audible from here

Well, Dennis passed by us with only some gusts of wind and a few bands of rain.
I feel so very sorry for all the people of Pensacola, especially those who have not even begun to rebuild from the ravages of Ivan 10 months ago.
From what I read on the Pensacola News Journal and the Dome Home website forum, many of those residents are fighting mad and frustration levels are rising.

Are we meant to live in areas where time has shown it is unsafe to build? Should I, as a taxpayer, be forced to pay repeatedly for people who will build in storm-prone areas?
I, personally, think not. If you want to build a mega zoom dweebie house on Pensacola beach, go right ahead. But I do NOT think the government should pay out disaster money for them. I do not think general insurance companies should take them as customers. There should be an insurance company for high-risk residential areas.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Emily's getting married! Hooray!

A wedding tonight! A reception at a local prettyplace! An excuse to wear a nice dress and heels AND makeup! Whee!

This will be the third wedding I've ever attended- and the second this week. Number One was when I was 5 or 6 and took place in Dallas, Texas. It will be lovely, I'm certain. I am pleased for Emily- and am flattered to be an attendee.

Things I've been reading lately:
Approaching Storm
Shatterpoint- THE BEST DAMN SWU book I have ever read (save RotS, really). Any Mace appreciator needs to read this.
Jedi Trial
Labyrinth of Evil
Revenge of The Sith
Cloud of Sparrows
Girl in a Cage
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games: The People, the Addiction and the Playing Experience
Wolves of Willoughby Chase
Freedom's Landing
Ella Enchanted
The European Dream
Tuxedo Park
Gregor the Overlander, Gregor & the Prophecy of Bane
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff
and lots more.
I think I'll eventually put up my spreadsheet on my website.

Taping Into the West on TNT and catching up with this seasons' CSI. I'm worried about Nicky- poor buried baby. Don't spoil meany more! I wanna be horrified!
Also waiting eagerly for the 2nd season of Battlestar Galactica in June.

And, oh, yeah...trying to get a job. *sigh* Nobody wants to hire me! What am I doing wrong?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

I' Blog

Interesting commentary on this blog, without much perjorative tossing. Refreshing change of pace from other places I've discovered.

Friday, May 13, 2005

blogthing survey sez!

I'm a GEEK! I mean, I always was, but now I'm CERTIFIED!

Your Geek Profile:

Music Geekiness: Highest
SciFi Geekiness: Highest
Academic Geekiness: High
Fashion Geekiness: High
Movie Geekiness: High
Geekiness in Love: Moderate
Internet Geekiness: Moderate
Gamer Geekiness: Low
General Geekiness: Low

Star Wars Quiz

Needless to say, y'all, I got all but one correct! But the one that I got wrong is very hard. I never knew the truth behind the correct answer!

Re-reading the movie novels in prep for Ep III.

Have Ep III novel on hold at the 'brary, but I doubt it will arrive in time for the film. sheesh. It's already out on sale at the local B Dalton, too.

Hope this film doesn't "Blow, Gabriel, Blow." Hee.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Bow! Bow! To his Daughter-In-Law-Elect!

The compilated discussion series on G&S's Mikado is as good as it gets, folks- these are people who know their stuff and weren't afraid to delve into what lesser web-mortals might have devolved into a flame war.

In other news:
Stupid squrrels. I'll wring their rodent ruffs. We spent gads of time yesterday putting in a raised bed and replanting the Rose of Montana.... arg! Only to turn around this AM and find that a dratted Sciurus carolinensis was EATING THE TUBERS! Friggin thing.

Balding cardinals sighted again this spring. Male with a similar look (but not as advanced) to this poor specimen was seen chasing what might be a catbird out of the birdbath.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Linky things

New stuff!

After the Radha-Rhiana mixup in my brain, I headed on today down to the place where I could get my Aussiegals never mixed up again. Nice thing is, they let me use my ArdathForums handle on their boards, too. I groveled to get into the locked forums (nice speed with that, m'lady Shalimar) and have spent a lovely chunk of time this eve reading up on some lovely JackFic.
Now, Ardath? FINISH PRIDE! I love you, but dear, sweet merciful goddess! finish this so we can thoroughly curse "Jillian" and move on with our Gillian-lovin' lives. Because it hurts this FLOvian to have to hate any homonym of the Tasty One's RL'er.

AND. I got to use my StarGate novel as a reference. *sniff* I miss working at the 'brary. I got to use my arcane knowledge lots more back then.

Finished Maximum City as well as The Akhenaten Adventure. Am certain the Children of the Lamp series will be fun. Not so much fun, however, if the Gormenghast series. Slogging my way through, though the intro by Literary Darling Quentin Crisp has jerked my brain into awareness of how to approach it.

Last night's Behavioral Problems in Cats forum was very interesting. I know a lot more than I thought I knew. And Miss G's cats are SANE compared to some of the whacko stories we heard told.

New CSI tonight! I thought last week was too early for a season finale. Thrown by SG1 and BSG. SciFi. Go fig.

Many shortenings of things today due to lack of enthusiasm with the typing. Clicky to loud for me tonight.

Linky type things:
Carvings: Birdhug
Plushies: Deep Forest
MORE plushies: CharaPlush
Scary good foxes:
If I had a million dollars: I'd Be Rich. And visiting these fuzzies. Or helping out here.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Consensus is that this was much too Medieval to have been borne. Asked Bill, Friendly Reference Librarian- He is WAY on the Angels' side of Book-burning, but he thinks that there is a special spot in a Fahrenheit 451 pile for that piece of dreck. That's saying something, innit?!?

Saw the Season Finale of Stargate SG-1.... They gave the Jack-Sam shippers a happy and then gave the NoRomos an out. I think it satisfied me, too. I play both sides of the yard on that one.

AND TEAL'C SHOT DANIEL. Hee. Heeeeeheeeeeheeeheee..... you really had to see it.

Next week is another ripping episode of Battlestar Galactica. DAGNABBIT, this series rocks the Kasbah. Oh, Eddie, pleaseplease sign up for another round if they asks ya. I want to be Kara Thrace when I grow up.

And on that ugly subject... I'm finding myself in an interesting fix. Being a contributive member of Society, I want to get a frelling job and earn my way into Adulthood. But they don't want to hire me for a full-time job; they'd rather not pay more than Min Wage and really don't want to pay benefits. Benefits befit. Ha. Must get Car to get Job. Must pay Cash for Car, as I have no Job to secure a Loan. If I use Cash, will drain Account to point of losing Beneficial Account Thingies.

You see the hair-pulling?


Peach-tinted Jelly Bellys are flavored Grapefruit. Discuss.

LGM series available on DVD nowish.

If I could get a job doing what I love, somebody would be paying me to watch series and make interesting commentary. Does Ebert need to mentor someone?

GO LSU! Pokey Chapman is a Fabulous Coach and I'm rootrootrooting for the hometeam.

Reading Leap of Faith by Her Royal Majesty, Queen Noor.
Then it's on to DaVinci Code. Ought to have read it, I guess.

Have to return the ILL Extraordinary Chickens book tomorrow. Love it. Color copies are needed.

BTW- Have a Pleasant Valley Sunday, whydoncha....

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Fic-y Goodness

MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What's better than Chocolate?
Reading an Allison Kenyon Dark-Hunter novel, then finding that Cinco has written another Chapter of her G/S AU fic, and that Ardath is getting ready to unleash more Riddick-Goodness upon us, her loving (and slightly impatient) fans.
Yay, Spring!!

Although... you know what my Uber-wish is.
I want to wake up to a phone call that says Barrage will be in town for a week and they are comping me front-row seats.

And a cat.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I am now licensed...

... to DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whee! I took the Road Test and passed in the high 90's. Missed the thing where you have to drop your speed by five mph when you see a SLOW CHILDREN sign. I did not know about that one. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle!

So now the hunt is on for a Used Car. I've been doing my Consumer Reports research; I can use my library database access to read back issues of CR, and I've printed out lots of info from their Used Car Ratings issue.
If I had my druthers, I'd get the Hybrid Prius or Civic. I'm such a tree hugger. Literally, too- just hugged a maple in the backyard yesterday. Hee.

Anywho. Watched Animal Planet's DRAGONS program last night, having taped it Sunday PM. It was fabulous. Patrick Stewart narrated, and the CGI was gorgeous. I think I'll just have to order the pattern from Smallworks as soon as I get a job.
The hunt for work continueth. I have not heard from the agency recently (since January/February, in fact) and I would love to know WHY. Also haven't heard from Office Depot. Bleah. Mom says to call 'em up and ask why not; I'm still to shy. I should though, shouldn't I?

J's got a blogspot, too, now.
Erynn's a LiveJournal user.
Cowboy Mouth has a new album out. GET IT.
And I just wrapped up reading Maureen O'Hara's autobiography, 'Tis Herself.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

All Torn Up

Six inches forward and five inches back!
Listening to Hedwig now... knowing that I would LOVE to see the show on stage. I'd love to be IN the show, even in Miriam's part (but I can't play bass, eh?)

Going for my license tomorrow AM. Nervous, but not nauseated/shaking/crying/scared. This is An Improvement.But, knowing my track record, I'll probably flunk it.I mean, no response from CBS for my "Locusts!" resume, no response from Home Depot on my "Psych Eval/ Employment Application." This would be the third strike. *sigh*

..."Wicked Little Town...."

Still haven't seen "Pacifier" yet, but I think I can try again this weekend. I know it'll be great.
OH! Found the PERFECT novel for Vin Diesel to turn into a film. Romantic Suspense called "Hot Target"- lead males are Navy SEALs protecting a Hollywood Writer/Producer who utterly does NOT want to be protected. I can hear Vin's voice saying Cosmo's lines; I just can't figure out who ought to be cast as Mercedes/Jane. Someone lushly beautiful but nearly as tall as Vin.

"And the strangest things seem suddenly routine..."

Sinuses are really hating the pollen count lately.
BUT New CSI tonight, so YAY! I'm ready to SMACKDOWN Ecklie, so, whoever the actor is, he's doing a FABulous job.
The cardigan goeth well. Check the Knitblog to read what's new there.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Fun with Jiffy Cake!

...except that it ended up not so much fun.
Somehow, I didn't do something properly.
I followed the directions, as usual;

  • cake mix, egg, half the water
  • mix on medium for 2 minutes
  • add rest of water
  • mix 2 more minutes
  • pour into greased, floured pan
  • bake for 25 minutes
  • let cool for ten
But when it came time to remove from pan... it stuck. I had to pry the cake out. One quarter of the cake's underside stayed in the pan. DRAT! After a bit of wrangling, I finally managed to make the cake look edible, if lopsided. Once Mom frosted it, it looked MUCH better. Erk.

Monday, February 28, 2005


OK! Moving Day!
I'm taking my knitting info and putting it up on a new blog. This way, I can just update knit items without having to scare knitters with my total wierdness here. I'll still let y'all know what's the what with my knitting projects, just not in the numbing detail that I can now go into on the blog.

OSCARS. Saw the last hour or so. Pretty cool. Hillary- love you for giving the orchestra what-for. "I haven't gotten to Clint yet!" Hee.

Vin Diesel will be on The Ellen Degeneres Show on Friday. Watch it or I will be forced to crochet your hands together.

Monday, February 21, 2005

CSI 2x23 "The Hunger Artist"

Well, Freak me out. All this time, I thought I was just insane. Turns out, I have a mild form of BDD in addition to my GAD. I'm just a bowl of Alphabet Illness.
Wonder how to break this to my Psych.
"Hey, Dr. S- wanna see what I did to my arms and knees last night?" "Watch what I do to my face ever moment I can..."
The squick wasn't due to the gross-factor, but a fearful writhe of recognition.
"and the pick-pick..."
The curl of pleasure at the back of my brain when I pull the hair out, pull the with tweezers; it's pleasure, not pain, people.
"Stop picking!"

Jaclyn's got a blog, so she says, but I cain't find it. HotaruGFC, where y'at? The days roll on, and where's our "Once-A-Month" get-together?

Driving. (remember last episode?) Professional Evaluation: I can get my license any day now. Hot Smack. Think I'll do the Dance of Joy (patent pending). Let you know when I get it. I have to get it soon.
At least pre-March 11.


Ted Raimi is on CSI:NY on Wednesday. WatchWatch.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

How will I know my love?

How will I know my darlin'?
Oh, Mister Moon, up above-
How will I know my love?

How do I know when I'm doing something that will end up as a good thing for me?
It scares me sick when I think ahead to it.

Driving? So scared I had to go to therapy AND have a nervous breakdown on an attic ladder to finally get there.

Now I'm seriously considering the Civil Service Exam and I am shaking and on the verge of more :retch: and have already cried... and THAT'S just reading the How to find a testing center near you part of the game. :retch:

On the other fronts of my weird-called life... Finished the two skeins of "Scarf yarn" plus what was leftover from The Beret... and am still six inches shy of the goal.
Flag on the play. Fourth down and inches. Gotta get me some of that Lion Brand I crave, baby.

CSI. Love it. Watch it. Read Sobell's recaps. (And for the love of Rampling, read the Casa series.)
But I get a headache trying to parse things out. Another :retch: inducing moment was while I was trying to figure out what "deafferented" meant. You try it. See how fun it is to feel absolutely stupid. I know what afferent means.
GOD, I just feel so stupid. I'm a vocabulary type person and I can't get my mojo working with this stupid word!!!!
I'm NOT a 'phobe.
I love science and math. Just not enough to get past the "casual fan" stage of the loving. And it actually makes my brain hurt when I can't wrap it around something.

It's been a day of :retch:, kids.
Let's hope I can calm the nausea and get some sleep.

Oh, wait. Good thing- Deep Impact launched well and got past some tech-fry to swing into place. See you in July when my name will go :KERBOOM: into a Comet! Whoo-hoo!