Saturday, August 14, 2004

Olympic Opening Ceremony?
Very cool. I was in love with all the living art through history and the DNA laser helix. It was a WOW moment. (Take a gander at the official website's photo gallery.)

But Bob and Katie needed to SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!
They talked over all of Bjork's song and made some really impolite "off the cuff" comments about other countries during the Parade of Participants. And they were wrong about some of the opening representations. ARGH!

I was ready to scream at the television. I just kept biting my tongue through every horrible moment of commentary.

Anyway. Yay, Hellas!


1 comment:

Deb said...

Just me, commenting on my own Blog. How narcisistic!
I just wanted to remark that the closing ceremonies were the same as the opening ones- Beautiful, full of symbolism and cultural heritage... and TALKED OVER! ARGH!