Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Interesting look at life... maybe.

Cross-referenced- it's a blog I found while searching on Google.
There are cranky people who have critiqued FatF:TD for not being cutting edge with underground Tokoyo fashion. Jeez- they made a flipping action film- just be pleased it's a fait accompli.
So I hit web-japan.org and see what's new. The phrase is "elder-brother fashion," and it reminds me of the Duran2 days... Everything old is new again, right?
I want to know if anyone is really wearing this, or, like fashions here in the USA, if they're looked at, catalogued, and forgotten for T-shirts and shorts. I google the phrase, and find this blog- It quotes the Japan-web article verbatim. Ironic use of plagarism, or other? You be the judge.

Oh. BTW- Dallis Grass is a pain in the Poaceae to pull. But it's a lot healthier for the watershed. And it gets me away from the tv/drug for a few hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.