That would be me.
The headaches weren't stress after all.
After Katrina hit around here, I got a pretty good job as an Admin Assistant with Ryder Logistics. They're helping Home Despot set up a warehouse in the old WalMart building.
As the need for appliances increased, more forklifts were added to the roster. The headaches began a little before Halloween, and I put it down to increased workload and stress. Every day I'd get headaches at work, but after a few hours at homeand a good dinner, they'd go away.
But then things got worse. I thought I had the flu- but no fever.
We thought I had a bacterial infection; but the symptoms didn't go away even after large doses of Cipro.
My Dr. and I half jokingly came to the Carbon Monoxide idea at about the same moment... but it was enough of a possibility to warrant her concern and a Blood-Gas draw. OW. OW. OW. It was NOT pleasant. They have to take it out of an artery.
Anyway, less than two hours later, Dr. B. calls me at work with the news. CO Poisoning.
Not enough to hyperbaric chamber me or even put me in the Hospital, but enough that it was making me sick.
So I can't work there anymore, since the people in charge at work really don't want to do anything that would cost money (i.e. fixing the AC system, putting in CO Monitoring devices, etc.) and even give me the impression that I may have gotten it somewhere other than the place I spend nine hours a day surrounded by CO emitting forklifts with sub-standard ventilation because it's really not meant to be a warehouse but a retail store.
So now I'm working a temp job in a medical records office; filing, shelving, doing little jobs for the people who work there so their jobs can get done faster. It's slow sometimes- sometimes it reminds me of being a Page at the STPL... but it's a job and a paycheck and I'm not around a lot of Carbon Monoxide.
And now for something Completely Different.
An egg with two yolks.