Thursday, April 14, 2005

Linky things

New stuff!

After the Radha-Rhiana mixup in my brain, I headed on today down to the place where I could get my Aussiegals never mixed up again. Nice thing is, they let me use my ArdathForums handle on their boards, too. I groveled to get into the locked forums (nice speed with that, m'lady Shalimar) and have spent a lovely chunk of time this eve reading up on some lovely JackFic.
Now, Ardath? FINISH PRIDE! I love you, but dear, sweet merciful goddess! finish this so we can thoroughly curse "Jillian" and move on with our Gillian-lovin' lives. Because it hurts this FLOvian to have to hate any homonym of the Tasty One's RL'er.

AND. I got to use my StarGate novel as a reference. *sniff* I miss working at the 'brary. I got to use my arcane knowledge lots more back then.

Finished Maximum City as well as The Akhenaten Adventure. Am certain the Children of the Lamp series will be fun. Not so much fun, however, if the Gormenghast series. Slogging my way through, though the intro by Literary Darling Quentin Crisp has jerked my brain into awareness of how to approach it.

Last night's Behavioral Problems in Cats forum was very interesting. I know a lot more than I thought I knew. And Miss G's cats are SANE compared to some of the whacko stories we heard told.

New CSI tonight! I thought last week was too early for a season finale. Thrown by SG1 and BSG. SciFi. Go fig.

Many shortenings of things today due to lack of enthusiasm with the typing. Clicky to loud for me tonight.

Linky type things:
Carvings: Birdhug
Plushies: Deep Forest
MORE plushies: CharaPlush
Scary good foxes:
If I had a million dollars: I'd Be Rich. And visiting these fuzzies. Or helping out here.

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