So I've finally gotten the hang of this thang. I hope.
Updates from Day of the Mothers to Day of Memorials:
Still hunting Jobs. I went to WillStaff and dealt with the odd beauracracy that is theirs and now I will go in for an interview with "Carolyn" next week. This week. Whatever.
Talking with Mitch at the Library again... We are both trying to be friendly- this is a grand thing. I have suggested/recommended some books to him and he has been interested in them.
But seeing as how I have completely misinterpreted him before, I am not certain that I have correctly interpreted him this time.
Have now seen Finding Nemo and LOTR:TTT (again) on DVD. No tree-squish in this version of Towers, but it wasn't the director's cut version. Le sigh.
Still no word from Jaclyn. I miss her so much, but I guess she is busy with other things. But I miss her.
Am reading books about the Catholic Curch and its hierarchy and the divide of what the Council of Bishops thinks and what the laity think. I am stuffing myself full of knowledge but I don't know if I will be better off with it. Ignorance is bliss. But I am all about learning the truth. ("What is truth?")
Things to see:
Wolf's Rain series (Go Yoko Kanno!!!)
New Harry Potter Movie
Spiderman 2
Things to read:
Andrew Greeley
Vows of Silence
Company of Glass