Knitting, still.
Have finished main blocks (front and back) of the halter top and am waiting for the Library to process my hold so I can get the rest of this project done.
Next? I want to learn how to knit socks like my Grandmother. Her socks were used during WWII by my Grandfather and I want to get the secret.
Am sort of in the post-holiday pre-birthday lull at the moment. I tried to make an origami cat but I was stymied by a certain fold and think I should have used proper paper instead of printer paper. Take 2 begins as soon as I locate proper origami paper. Maybe.
Have a gift certificate for Suncoast (HUZZAH!) and am pondering what to spend it on. I want Xanadu
and am quite willing to blow the whole thing in obtaining it. Don't tell me it was a bad movie. I was FOUR and, by gar, I wanted to be Kira in that movie.
Two Towers ROCKED and I am now on the prowl to get to see Return of the King. I may have to bribe someone to take me over there... hmmmmmmm...
Here's a little something I think we all should read.
Barrage tours Norway in February. I'm pining for the fjiords. How about you?