Merry Merry to ALL!
Sister-mine came home for the festivities. Luckily, she came in before the nastiness with winter weather slammed the airlines and thereby had much less stress than many people did.
Gift of the Holiday for me?
Holy COW.
You know that one gift that you casually mention a bazillion times but it's so expensive you don't hold any hope for actually getting it?
I unwrapped it and promptly burst into tears and hugged it like a stuffed animal.
The 5-CD set of Broadway: The American Musical.
OH, man.
Thanks, Mom and Dad. You rock.
Be the Better Witch. DEFY GRAVITY.
Idina only has a few shows left- go see her before January 9th.
Go. Go now. Don't make me get the Flying Monkeys.
Driving is scary sometimes.
Don't make violent gestures to slowly driving people. They may be on the verge of a panic attack and THAT DOESN'T HELP CALM THEM DOWN, PEOPLE.
Also on the horizon; NASA/JPL's Deep Impact launch is coming soon. My name is on the disc that's going up with the craft. Close as I'll get to orbit, neh?
Oh. The Scarf? almost 40 inches long. 36 more to go, people!
Our Knit & Sip group was featured in the Times-Picayune on Thursday. Guess whose great big goofy mug is shown modeling The Beret? Yeah, sure, you betcha!
Part of Dad's Christmas present from me was a promise to make The Cardigan. January is Go-Day.
8 cups of water per day. Less bread, more veggies. Rembrandt Whitening Strips. Let the improvement begin!