This is the way we earn our fic, earn our fic, earn our fic;
This is the way we earn our fic so late a Thursday evenin'.
This is the way we earn our fic so late a Thursday evenin'.
Hi, I'm Hequet, and as usual, I'm so late to the party that the man is waving goodbye and heading out the door as I'm signing in.
Superman fan since the Christopher Reeve films, Lex Luthor fan since L&C:TNAoS's John Shea showed us Lex was way deeper than Hackman managed to bring, Smallville fan since the first teasers came out, and a fan of Mr Rosenbaum since ZoeDuncanJackandJane. I watched the original first runs of that ill-fated show. Seriously. There's what? Like, eight of us? We're rare, but we're there.
I'd never been a hard-core Chlexer before I read "The Autumn People," which spoke eloquently to this particular Clex-HoYay! fan. I think Chloe and Lex bring out the
dig-your-heels-in-and-fight-for-your-principles sides of each other. If they didn't at least respect the innate passion in/of belief in each other, do you think they'd give each other the time of day? Neither wants to destroy the other- She wants to keep him honest, and he wants her to understand that you often have to fight dirty in the midst of "the good fight."
Oooh. Where'd this soapbox come from and why am I standing on it? Anyway. Even though I'm late, I'll try to be a tidy guest.
Now, go and read either The Autumn People or The Martinelli Affair. Go! Vite! Vite! Raus! And I'm not providing you links to either because if you really want to read them you'll bloody well hunt for them like I did.