Wednesday, August 27, 2008


OK, y'all; I'm taking the Crescent away from the Cone of Uncertainty near the 3RD anniversary of "The Thing," as Chris Rose calls it, and am headed for Eastern Lands where Dragons and Fae and Dark Shadows pay court to Stars (Trek and Wars) and Skeptics (The Amazing RANDI will be there, kids!) and most of us just spend a lot of time saying things like OOOH and Dude! That was Takei! and Which concourse am I on again? and -my favorite- WHY do I have to choose between seeing Haglund Improv and getting Anne to sign my Pern novel?!?!?

Saturday's going to be hinky, folks- I have seen the enemy and it is time.

Everybody on the Gulf take a deep breath and blow heavily out to sea- maybe we can stall Gustav a bit, neh?

See ya soon!