Wednesday, December 10, 2003


Reading the Deryni books by Katherine Kurtz.

Writing Holiday Cards and mailing them out to friends.

Hope to spend time with Mitch this weekend. We're set to get together on Friday, I hope. I have taped the SciFi miniseries of Battlestar Galactica and maybe he'll consent to watch it. I watched a few minutes of it last night and it was a sad part... Hope he likes it as much as I think I will!

There was something else I wanted to mention but I can't remember it now.

I went to a Louisiana-themed store today and had a taste of their marvelous pralines. NOT Aunt Sally's- they were so much better- lighter and less crumbly and not grainy in the least. I was so impressed. I bought some of their turtle candies as the samples of those were lovely, too.

Another happy Straight Guy got the works from the Fab Five. Thom did a gorgeous hand-painted canvas-- it was an interpretation of a photo from the guy's book of surf photos... Carson encouraged him to step into a clothing palette beyond military olive.

Starter Castles. Hee.

OH! Now I remember.
I want to see "TLotR: The Two Towers" on the big-screen in. It opens the 12th.