Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sighs of relief audible from here

Well, Dennis passed by us with only some gusts of wind and a few bands of rain.
I feel so very sorry for all the people of Pensacola, especially those who have not even begun to rebuild from the ravages of Ivan 10 months ago.
From what I read on the Pensacola News Journal and the Dome Home website forum, many of those residents are fighting mad and frustration levels are rising.

Are we meant to live in areas where time has shown it is unsafe to build? Should I, as a taxpayer, be forced to pay repeatedly for people who will build in storm-prone areas?
I, personally, think not. If you want to build a mega zoom dweebie house on Pensacola beach, go right ahead. But I do NOT think the government should pay out disaster money for them. I do not think general insurance companies should take them as customers. There should be an insurance company for high-risk residential areas.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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