Today, we had a LOT of people at the office for appointments who are... less than mobile. (The patients, not the appointments.)
So I decided to park on the top of the Parking Garage. Yeah, so I had to take the stairs down to my floor, but No Big Deal. Happy to do it for the cause of not making patients walk so far.
End of day comes, I hike up to my car... and I see it.
A Prius.
With a Flying Spaghetti Monster on the back bumper.
You know- like this one from the DarwinFish company.

I did a double take. I'll bet the security camera footage is HI-larious.
I grabbed a scrap of paper and a pen and wrote a little note to Prius Driver, and stick it under their windshield wiper.
So, Whoo-Hoo to the PriuSkeptic from the CiviChicken (I am afraid anything on my bumper will get stolen) and hope they get a kick out of their FSM being appreciated.
And, on a totally different note- PlayReading Committee tonight.
It's Wednesday- WHEN IS LOST COMING BACK?!?!?!
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