Wednesday, December 06, 2006
And ye shall know them by the trail of the blogged...
Yowza! There are, indeed, some cool pics to be seen at this site. I advise any and all to visit, peruse, and behold the wonder.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Sam Feuer- the myth, the man, the website
Right. So we all know what's happening over there.
I don't purport to understand all sides, all ideas, all the problems.
But I do know someone who lived over there, and hell, for all I know, could be over there now.
All I can do is hope things calm down.
Love ya, Sam- I think of you every night when I watch NightLine from Haifa.
I don't purport to understand all sides, all ideas, all the problems.
But I do know someone who lived over there, and hell, for all I know, could be over there now.
All I can do is hope things calm down.
Love ya, Sam- I think of you every night when I watch NightLine from Haifa.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hooray, Fariña!
I've seen two Red Stripe Beer ads now, and every time I think Red Stripe, I think of Red Cap; and when I think of Red Cap, I think of Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me.
I've seen two Red Stripe Beer ads now, and every time I think Red Stripe, I think of Red Cap; and when I think of Red Cap, I think of Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Dominick...Our Chunky Monkey
Dominick...Our Chunky Monkey
He's so very very cute- and I am hoping "Mommy" and "MaMa" had a wonderful time and that their hearts won't be hurting for too long after they get back home. Here's hoping the red tape peels away and Dominick comes "home" to the U.S. very soon.
He's so very very cute- and I am hoping "Mommy" and "MaMa" had a wonderful time and that their hearts won't be hurting for too long after they get back home. Here's hoping the red tape peels away and Dominick comes "home" to the U.S. very soon.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Interesting look at life... maybe.
Cross-referenced- it's a blog I found while searching on Google.
There are cranky people who have critiqued FatF:TD for not being cutting edge with underground Tokoyo fashion. Jeez- they made a flipping action film- just be pleased it's a fait accompli.
So I hit and see what's new. The phrase is "elder-brother fashion," and it reminds me of the Duran2 days... Everything old is new again, right?
I want to know if anyone is really wearing this, or, like fashions here in the USA, if they're looked at, catalogued, and forgotten for T-shirts and shorts. I google the phrase, and find this blog- It quotes the Japan-web article verbatim. Ironic use of plagarism, or other? You be the judge.
Oh. BTW- Dallis Grass is a pain in the Poaceae to pull. But it's a lot healthier for the watershed. And it gets me away from the tv/drug for a few hours.
There are cranky people who have critiqued FatF:TD for not being cutting edge with underground Tokoyo fashion. Jeez- they made a flipping action film- just be pleased it's a fait accompli.
So I hit and see what's new. The phrase is "elder-brother fashion," and it reminds me of the Duran2 days... Everything old is new again, right?
I want to know if anyone is really wearing this, or, like fashions here in the USA, if they're looked at, catalogued, and forgotten for T-shirts and shorts. I google the phrase, and find this blog- It quotes the Japan-web article verbatim. Ironic use of plagarism, or other? You be the judge.
Oh. BTW- Dallis Grass is a pain in the Poaceae to pull. But it's a lot healthier for the watershed. And it gets me away from the tv/drug for a few hours.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Crows Really Are Wise
Crows Really Are Wise
And some of them went to LSU! Neato blog- recent ref to a proposed wind farm in the Gulf.
And some of them went to LSU! Neato blog- recent ref to a proposed wind farm in the Gulf.
All YourSpace are belong to us....
So I've joined in the ever-tightening circle of networking goodness at MySpace in addition to the networking goodness at Friendster. More STUN-ing people on MySpace; wonder why that is. Have tracked down the Romero-san as well as the Clayton-sama.
Why is it that the men are easier to find than the women? Maybe the women have different last names, more security issues.... or they just have better things to do than post to online networking sites.
Other newsie thingies:
Apparently, the phrase LOL is anathema on the so-called "non-teen" boards for SLT. Discuss. Why is an expression of laughter an indicator of one's ability to discuss coherent topics? I oughta sic Martha on 'em. Or, better yet, Erynn.
HEY- new wigsite: Amphigory. I want the Lucia. Seriously, yo. In "Almost" or "Honey Sweet." That would be perfect for Guenevere.
Kaeley? What d'ya think?
Why is it that the men are easier to find than the women? Maybe the women have different last names, more security issues.... or they just have better things to do than post to online networking sites.
Other newsie thingies:
Apparently, the phrase LOL is anathema on the so-called "non-teen" boards for SLT. Discuss. Why is an expression of laughter an indicator of one's ability to discuss coherent topics? I oughta sic Martha on 'em. Or, better yet, Erynn.
HEY- new wigsite: Amphigory. I want the Lucia. Seriously, yo. In "Almost" or "Honey Sweet." That would be perfect for Guenevere.
Kaeley? What d'ya think?
Saturday, March 25, 2006

SO here are two choices I have from Josette's in Biloxi.
The one on the top is a "Ren-Girl" type synthetic- $5.98.
The one on the bottom is a "showgirl" type with no bangs, below shoulder length- $32.98.
Fifi Mahoney's in the Quarter also has a nice selection, but nothing that absolutely screams "Guenevere." has the Alfreda and the Desiree available in Lightest Golden Brown, but they both look like they'd be crunchy with spray/mousse etc.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Where _is_ he?!?
/gettin' dizzy...
So YAY... Even though TPTB kept me from watching RENT among an appreciative audience in a movie theatre, I now own the DVD.
It's definitely a film based on the play. It's NOT a filmed version of RENT, it's RENT, the film.
Even Benny comes off looking pretty coolish at the end- though I really wanted to hear Rosario sing "cause I kicked him/and I told him that I wasn't his whore..."
SHE ROCKED "Out Tonight!" right outta the ballpark. I was never so thrilled to watch that sequence over and over. Hee.
So, big sigh of satisfaction from this fan- a warm fuzzy feeling and a comfy blanket of sound for me.
On the other side of the film coin...
Is it just me, or do you sometimes wonder where an actor's passion flees in certain spots? My big instance for a while was James Marsters in "Rest in Piece" during the Buffy Musical. I just felt that there was something boiling away in some lower level of Marsters' performance... I told my friends when we talked about it, "You know, I just wanted him to crouch down and get that primal scream out there, somehow."
I'm feeling that, more and more, with Vin Diesel lately. I know it's there, I can see it darting around behind his eyes. I almost want to sneak up behind him and kick him in the back of the knee to get an honest, impassioned "What the HELL?" out of him. Tried watching Triple X tonight in prep for his "Tonight Show" appearance (probably for "Find Me Guilty," I'll bet. But I hope he gets the Hannibal The Conqueror plug in there, too.), but I just felt like there was something missing. Overpronouncing things, emphasizing the exact wrong word in a phrase at times... I couldn't watch it. What's WRONG with me!?!?!? I'm such a fan of his...
Maybe I'm being overly picky.
It's all about passion. Maybe since I have a LACK of it in my life lately, I'm more sensitive to abundance/dearth in other actors.
Of course, the screenplay's by the guy who wrote "Jerky Boys," for cryin' out loud. Not Mamet.
HEY! I wonder if Vin could hit Collins' notes in "I'll Cover You" for a change? I'd love to see that.
To leather, to dildos
To Curry Vindaloo
To Huevos Rancheros
And Maya Angelou
To Sontag, to Sondheim
To anything taboo
To Uta, to Buddha,
Pablo Nerudo, too
Why Dorothy and Toto
Went over the rainbow
To blow off Auntie Em…
La Vie Boheme!
And honestly, if you know who Pablo Neruda is... I tip my "Postman" Hat to you.
So YAY... Even though TPTB kept me from watching RENT among an appreciative audience in a movie theatre, I now own the DVD.
It's definitely a film based on the play. It's NOT a filmed version of RENT, it's RENT, the film.
Even Benny comes off looking pretty coolish at the end- though I really wanted to hear Rosario sing "cause I kicked him/and I told him that I wasn't his whore..."
SHE ROCKED "Out Tonight!" right outta the ballpark. I was never so thrilled to watch that sequence over and over. Hee.
So, big sigh of satisfaction from this fan- a warm fuzzy feeling and a comfy blanket of sound for me.
On the other side of the film coin...
Is it just me, or do you sometimes wonder where an actor's passion flees in certain spots? My big instance for a while was James Marsters in "Rest in Piece" during the Buffy Musical. I just felt that there was something boiling away in some lower level of Marsters' performance... I told my friends when we talked about it, "You know, I just wanted him to crouch down and get that primal scream out there, somehow."
I'm feeling that, more and more, with Vin Diesel lately. I know it's there, I can see it darting around behind his eyes. I almost want to sneak up behind him and kick him in the back of the knee to get an honest, impassioned "What the HELL?" out of him. Tried watching Triple X tonight in prep for his "Tonight Show" appearance (probably for "Find Me Guilty," I'll bet. But I hope he gets the Hannibal The Conqueror plug in there, too.), but I just felt like there was something missing. Overpronouncing things, emphasizing the exact wrong word in a phrase at times... I couldn't watch it. What's WRONG with me!?!?!? I'm such a fan of his...
Maybe I'm being overly picky.
It's all about passion. Maybe since I have a LACK of it in my life lately, I'm more sensitive to abundance/dearth in other actors.
Of course, the screenplay's by the guy who wrote "Jerky Boys," for cryin' out loud. Not Mamet.
HEY! I wonder if Vin could hit Collins' notes in "I'll Cover You" for a change? I'd love to see that.
To leather, to dildos
To Curry Vindaloo
To Huevos Rancheros
And Maya Angelou
To Sontag, to Sondheim
To anything taboo
To Uta, to Buddha,
Pablo Nerudo, too
Why Dorothy and Toto
Went over the rainbow
To blow off Auntie Em…
La Vie Boheme!
And honestly, if you know who Pablo Neruda is... I tip my "Postman" Hat to you.